Scientific Publications
Catry I, Encarnação V, Pacheco C, Catry T, Tenreiro P, Silva LP, Leão F, Bally F, Roda S, Lopes S, Capela C, Alonso H, Saldanha S, Urbano O, Saraiva J, Encarnação P, Sequeira N, Mendes M, Monteiro P, Elias G, Moreira F (2017). Recent changes on migratory behaviour of the White stork (Ciconia ciconia) in Portugal: towards the end of migration? Airo 24: 28-35.
Catry I, Marcelino J, Franco AMA, Moreira F (2017). Landscape determinants of European roller foraging habitat: implications for the definition of agri-environmental measures for species conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation 26: 553-566 doi: 10.1007/s10531-016-1241-4
Catry T, Catry I (2017). First record of social polygyny with multi-brood paternal care in the European Roller Coracias garrulus. Ardeola 64: 101-107. doi: 10.13157/arla.64.1.2017.sc5
Catry T, Moreira F, Alcazar R, Rocha P, Catry I (2017). Mechanisms and fitness consequences of laying decisions in a migratory raptor. Behavioral ecology 28: 222-232. doi: 10.1093/beheco/arw150
Catry I, Catry T, Alho M, Franco AMA, Moreira F (2016). Sexual and parent-offspring dietary segregation in a colonial raptor as revealed by stable isotopes. Journal of Zoology 299: 58-67.
Gilbert NI, Correia RA, Silva JP, Pacheco C, Catry I, Atkinson PW, Gill JA, Franco AMA (2016). Are white storks addicted to junk food? Impacts of landfill use on the movement and behaviour of resident white storks (Ciconia ciconia) from a partially migratory population. Movement Ecology 4: 7.
Rodríguez-Ruiz J, Parejo D, de la Puente J, Valera F, Calero-Torralbo MA, Bermejo A, Catry I, Avilés JM (2016) Short- and long-term effects of tracking devices on the European Roller Coracias garrulus. Ibis 158: 179-183.
Catry I, Catry T, Patto P, Franco AMA, Moreira F (2015). Differential heat tolerance in nestlings suggests sympatric species may face different climate change risks. Climate Research 66: 13-24.
Silva JP, Catry I, Moreira F, Palmeirim JM (2015) Freezing heat: thermally imposed constraints on the daily activity patterns of a free-ranging grassland bird. Ecosphere 6: 119
Finch T, Saunders P, Avilés JM, Bermejo A, Catry I, de la Puente J, Emmenegger T, Mardega I, Mayet P, Parejo D, Račinskis E, Rodríguez-Ruiz J, Sackl P, Schwartz T, Tiefenbach M, Valera F, Hewson C, Franco A, Butler SJ (2015) A pan-European, multipopulation assessment of migratory connectivity in a near-threatened migrant bird. Diversity and Distributions 21: 1051-1062.
Leitão PJ, Schwieder M, Suess S, Catry I, Milton EJ, Moreira F, Osborne PE, Pinto MJ, van der Linden S, Hostert P (2015) Mapping beta diversity from space: Sparse Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling (SGDM) for analysing high-dimensional data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 764-771.
Catry I, Franco AMA, Moreira F (2014) Easy but ephemeral food: exploring the trade-offs of agricultural practices in the foraging decisions of Lesser Kestrels on farmland. Bird Study 61: 447-456.
Catry I, Catry T, Granadeiro JP, Franco AMA, Moreira F (2014) Unravelling migration routes and wintering grounds of European rollers using light-level geolocators. Journal of Ornithology 155: 1071-1075.
Catry I, Franco AMA, Rocha P, Alcazar R, Reis S, Cordeiro A, Ventim R, Teodósio J, Moreira F (2013) Foraging habitat quality constrains effectiveness of artificial nest site provisioning in reversing population declines in a colonial cavity nester. PLoS ONE 8: e58320.
Catry I, Amano T, Franco AMA, Sutherland WJ (2012) Influence of spatial and temporal dynamics of agricultural practices on the globally endangered lesser kestrel. Journal of Applied Ecology 49: 99-108.
Catry I, Franco AMA, Sutherland WJ (2012) Landscape and weather determinants of prey availability: implications for the threatened lesser kestrel. Ibis 154: 111-123.
Catry I, Franco AMA, Sutherland WJ (2011) Adapting conservation efforts to face climate change: modifying nest-site provisioning for lesser kestrels. Biological Conservation 144: 1111-1119.
Catry I, Dias MP, Catry T, Afanasyev V, Fox J, Franco AMA, Sutherland WJ (2011) Individual variation in migratory movements and winter behaviour of Iberian Lesser Kestrels Falco naumanni revealed by geolocators. Ibis 153: 154-164.
Catry I, Alcazar R, Franco AMA, Sutherland WJ (2009) Identifying the effectiveness and constraints of conservation interventions: A case study of the endangered lesser kestrel. Biological Conservation 142: 2782-2791.
Marques AT, Henriques IS, Catry I, Moreira MI (2005) Distribution of the Roller Coracias garrulus in Portugal, an historical approach. Ardeola 52: 173-176.
Franco AMA, Catry I, Sutherland WJ, Palmeirim J (2004) Do different habitat preference survey methods produce the same conservation recommendations for lesser kestrels? Animal Conservation 7: 291-300.