Catry T, Ventura F, Dias MP, Santos CD, Martins RC, Palmeirim JM (2021). Estimating the conservation cost of the projected new international Lisbon airport for migratory shorebirds of the Tagus estuary, Portugal. Bird Conservation International. Doi: h
Granadeiro JP, Belo J, Henriques M, Catalão J, Catry T (2021). Using Sentinel-2 images to estimate topography, tidal-stage lags and exposure periods over large intertidal areas. Remote Sensing 13: 320. Doi:
Henriques M, Granadeiro JP, Piersma T, Leão S, Pontes S, Catry T (2021). Assessing the contribution of mangrove carbon and of other basal sources to intertidal flats adjacent to one of the largest West African mangrove forests. Marine Environmental Research 169:, 105331. Doi:
Paulino J, Granadeiro JP, Henriques M, Belo J, Catry T (2021). Composition and abundance of shorebird and macroinvertebrate communities differ according to densities of burrowing fiddler crabs in tropical intertidal flats. Hydrobiologia. Doi:
Lourenço PM, Henriques M, Catry I, Granadeiro JP, Catry T (2018). First record of the invasive Asian date mussel Arcuatula senhousia (Benson, 1842) (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Mytilidae) in West Africa. Journal of Natural History 52:, 2567-2571. Doi:
Catry T, Lourenço PM, Granadeiro JP (2018). Quantifying population size of migrant birds at stopover sites: combining count data with stopover length estimated from stable isotope analysis. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9: 502-512. Doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12913
Lourenço PM, Granadeiro JP, Catry T (2018). Low macroinvertebrate biomass suggests limited food availability for shorebird communities in intertidal areas of the Bijagós archipelago (Guinea-Bissau). Hydrobiologia 816: 197-212. Doi: 10.1007/s10750-018-3584-1
Carvalho L, Figueira P, Monteiro R, Reis A, Almeida J, Catry T, Lourenço PM, Catry P, Barbosa C, Catry I, Pereira E, Granadeiro JP, Vale C (2018). Major, minor, trace and rare earth elements in sediments of the Bijagós archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. Marine Pollution Bulletin 129: 829-834. Doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.10.007i
Lourenço PM, Catry T, Granadeiro JP (2017). Diet and feeding ecology of the wintering shorebird assemblage in the Bijagós archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. Journal of Sea Research 128:52-60.
Catry T, Figueira P, Carvalho L, Monteiro R, Coelho P, Lourenço PM, Catry P, Tchantchalam Q, Catry I, Botelho MJ, Pereira E, Granadeiro JP, Vale C (2017). Evidence for contrasting accumulation pattern of cadmium in relation to other elements in Senilia senilis and Tagelus adansoni from the Bijagós archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. Envionmental Science and Research Pollution 24: 24896-24906.
Lourenço PM, Serra-Gonçalves C, Ferreira JL, Catry T, Granadeiro JP (2017). Plastic and other microfibers in sediments, macroinvertebrates and shorebirds from three intertidal wetlands of southern Europe and west Africa. Environmental Pollution 231: 123-133.
Lourenço PM, Catry T, Lopes RJ, Piersma T, Granadeiro JP (2017). Invisible trophic links? Quantifying the importance of non-standard food sources for key intertidal avian predators in the Eastern Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 563: 219-232.
Catry T, Lourenço PM, Lopes RJ, Bocher P, Carneiro C, Alves JA, Delaporte P, Bearhop S, Piersma T, Granadeiro JP (2016). Use of stable isotope fingerprints to assign wintering origin and trace shorebird movements along the East Atlantic Flyway. Basic and Applied Ecology 17: 177-187.
Catry T, Lourenço PM, Lopes RJ, Carneiro C, Alves JA, Costa J, Rguibi-Idrissi H, Bearhop S, Piersma T, Granadeiro JP (2016). Structure and functioning of intertidal food webs along an avian flyway: a comparative approach using stable isotopes. Functional Ecology 30: 468-478.
Lourenço PM, Catry T, Piersma T, Granadeiro JP (2016) Comparative feeding ecology of shorebirds wintering at Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania. Estuaries and Coasts 39: 855-865. Doi: 10.1007/s12237-015-0029-1.
Lourenco PM, Alves JA, Reneerkens J, Loonstra AHJ, Potts PM, Granadeiro JP, Catry T (2016) Influence of age and sex on winter site fidelity of sanderlings Calidris alba. PeerJ 4:e2517.
Martins RC, Catry T, Rebelo R, Pardal S, Palmeirim JM, Granadeiro JP (2016). Contrasting estuary-scale distribution of wintering and migrating waders: the potential role of fear. Hydrobiologia 768: 211-22.
Coelho JP, Monteiro RJR, Catry T, Lourenco PM, Catry P, Regalla A, Catry I, Figueira P, Pereira E, Vale C, Granadeiro JP (2016) Estimation of mercury background values in sediment and biota of the Bijagos archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 111, 1-2, 488-492.
Lourenço PM, Granadeiro JP, Guilherme JL, Catry T (2015). Turnover rates of stable isotopes in avian blood and toenails: implications for dietary and migration studies. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 472: 89-96.
Lourenço PM, Alves JA, Catry T, Granadeiro JP (2015). Foraging ecology of sanderlings Calidris alba wintering in estuarine and non-estuarine intertidal areas. Journal of Sea Research 104: 33-40.
Catry T, Alves JA, Gill JA, Gunnarsson TG, Granadeiro JP (2014). Individual specialization in a shorebird population with narrow foraging niche. Acta Oecologica 56: 56-65.
Martins RC, Catry T, Granadeiro JP (2014) Crossbow-netting: a new method for capturing shorebirds. Journal of Field Ornithology 85: 84-90.
Martins RC, Catry T, Santos CD, Palmeirim JM, Granadeiro JP (2013) Seasonal variations in the diet and foraging behaviour of dunlins Calidris alpina in a South European Estuary: improved feeding conditions for northward migrants. PLoS ONE. 8, 12, e81174, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0081174.
Lourenço PM, Catry P, Lecoq M, Ramírez I, Granadeiro JP (2013) Role of disturbance, geology and other environmental factors in determining abundance and diversity in coastal avian communities during winter. Marine Ecology Progress Series 479: 223-234.
Lecoq M, Lourenço PM, Catry P, Andrade J, Granadeiro JP (2013) Wintering waders on the Portuguese mainland non-estuarine coast: results of the 2009-2011 survey. Wader Study Group Bulletin 120.
Catry T, Alves JA, Gill JA, Gunnarsson TG, Granadeiro JP (2012) Sex promotes spatial and dietary segregation in a migratory shorebird during the non-breeding season. PLoS ONE 7, 3, e33811. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033811.
Catry T, Martins RC, Granadeiro JP (2012). Discriminating geographic origins of migratory waders at stopover sites: insights from stable isotope analysis of toenails. Journal of Avian Biology 43: 79-84.
Catry T, Alves JA, Andrade J, Costa H, Dias MP, Fernandes P, Leal A, Lourenço PM, Martins RC, Moniz F, Pardal S, Rocha A, Santos CD, Encarnação V, Granadeiro JP (2011) Long-term declines of wader populations at the Tagus estuary, Portugal: a response to global or local factors? Bird Conservation International 21:438-453.
Santos CD, Palmeirim JM, Granadeiro JP (2010) Choosing the best foraging microhabitats: individual skills constrain the choices of dunlins Calidris alpina. Journal of Avian Biology 41: 18-24.
Lourenço PM, Mandema FS, Hooijmeijer JCEW, Granadeiro JP, Piersma T (2010) Site selection and resource depletion in black-tailed godwits Limosa l. limosa eating rice during northward migration. Journal of Animal Ecology 79: 522-528.
Cardoso I, Cabral H, Granadeiro JP (2010) Benthic macroinvertebrates vertical distribution in the Tagus estuary: the influence of tidal cycle. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 86: 580-586.
Santos CD, Miranda AC, Granadeiro JP, Lourenço PM, Saraiva S, Palmeirim JM (2010) Effects of artificial illumination on the nocturnal foraging of waders. Acta Oecologica. 36: 166-172.
Dias MP, Granadeiro JP, Palmeirim JM (2009) Searching behaviour of foraging waders: does feeding success influence their walking? Animal Behaviour 77: 1203-1209.
Santos CD, Saraiva S, Palmeirim JM, Granadeiro JP (2009) How do waders perceive buried prey with patchy distributions: the role of prey density and size of patch. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 372: 43-48.
Santos CD, Lourenço PM, Miranda AC, Granadeiro JP, Palmeirim JM (2008) Birds after dark: an efficient and inexpensive system for making long-range observations at night. Journal of Field Ornithology 79: 327-333.
Dias MP, Peste F, Granadeiro JP, Palmeirim JM (2008) Does traditional shellfishing affect foraging by waders? The case of the Tagus estuary (Portugal). Acta Oecologica 33: 188-198.
Rosa S, Granadeiro JP, Vinagre C, França S, Cabral HN, Palmeirim JP (2008) Impact of predation on the polychaete Hediste diversicolor in estuarine intertidal flats. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78: 655-664.
Lourenço PM, Silva A, Santos CD, Miranda AC, Granadeiro JP, Palmeirim JM (2008) The energetic importance of night foraging for waders wintering in a temperate estuary. Acta Oecologica 34: 122-129.
Cardoso I, Granadeiro JP, Cabral HN (2008) Benthic prey quantity and quality in the main mudflat feeding areas of the Tagus Estuary: Implications for bird and fish populations. Ciencias Marinas 34: 283-296.
França S, Pardal MA, Cabral HN (2008) Mudflat nekton assemblages in the Tagus estuary (Portugal): distribution and feeding patterns. Scientia Marina, 72: 591-602.
Granadeiro JP, Santos CD, Dias MP, Palmeirim JM (2007) Environmental factors drive habitat partitioning in birds feeding in intertidal flats: implications for conservation. Hydrobiologia 587: 291-302. pdf
Rosa S, Granadeiro JP, Cruz M, Palmeirim JM (2007) Invertebrate prey activity varies along the tidal cycle and depends on sediment drainage: consequences for the foraging behaviour of waders. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 353: 35-44. pdf
Dias MP, Granadeiro JP, Lecoq M, Santos CD, Palmeirim JM (2006) Distance to high-tide roosts constrains the use of foraging areas by dunlins: implications for the management of estuarine wetlands. Biological Conservation 131: 446-452.
Dias MP, Granadeiro JP, Martins RC, Palmeirim JM (2006) Estimating the use of tidal flats by waders: inaccuracies due to the response of birds to the tidal cycle. Bird Study 53: 32-38.
Rosa S, Encarnação AL, Granadeiro JP, Palmeirim JM (2006) High-tide roost selection by waders: maximizing feeding opportunities or avoiding predation. Ibis 148: 88-97.
Granadeiro JP, Dias MP, Martins RC, Palmeirim JM (2006) Variation in numbers and behaviour of waders during the tidal cycle: implications for the use of estuarine sediment flats. Acta Oecologica 29: 293-300.
Santos CD, Granadeiro JP, Palmeirim JM (2005) Feeding ecology of Dunlin Calidris alpina in a southern european estuary. Ardeola 52: 235-252.
Lourenço PM, Granadeiro JP, Palmeirim JM (2005) Importance of drainage channels for waders foraging on tidal flats: relevance for the management of estuarine wetlands. Journal of Applied Ecology 42: 477-486. pdf
Granadeiro JP, Andrade J, Palmeirim JM (2004) Modelling the distribution of shorebirds in estuarine areas using generalised additive models. Journal of Sea Research 52: 227-240.