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PhD Thesis

Henriques M (ongoing) The role of migratory shorebirds on trophic networks of a mangrove-influenced tropical intertidal ecosystems.  University of Lisbon & University of Groningen.

Cordeiro AP (ongoing) Role of shorebirds in intertidal food webs and the impact of anthropogenic disturbance.  University of Lisbon.

Martins RC (2015) Wintering and migrating populations of dunlin Calidris alpina using the Tagus estuary: foraging ecology, behaviour and distributions.  University of Lisbon.

Santos CD (2009) The use of intertidal areas by foraging waders: constraints on the exploitation of food resources. University of Lisbon.

Dias MP (2009) Factors affecting the use of time and space of estuaries by birds: implications for conservation. University of Lisbon.

Rosa S (2008) Influence of prey availability and behaviour on wader distribution and foraging behaviour. University of Lisbon.

Master Thesis

Belo J (2019) Using satellite imagery to identify foraging habitats for shorebirds and model their distribution in the mudflats of the Bijagós archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.

Paulino JC (2019) Fiddler crabs impact the structure of the benthic macroinvertebrate community and the spatial distribution of foraging shorebirds in tropical intertidal mudflats. Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.

Costa JS (2014) Comparação das cadeias tróficas em ambientes estuarinos temperados e tropicais através da análise de isótopos estáveis: a perspetiva de aves limícolas migradoras enquanto predadores de topo. Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.

Rodrigues D (2012) Movimentos e distribuição do Pilrito-de-peito-preto Calidris alpina nas zonas intertidais do Estuário do Tejo (Portugal). University of Évora.

Peste FP (2008). The impact of traditional shellfish harvesting in estuarine birds in the Tagus estuary. University of Évora.




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